Sunday, September 23, 2012

Many moons.

I have been gone for many moons. I haven't posted in almost 3 months!

That is terribly awful, but the world has moved along just fine.

Soon I will post about the rest of a crazy-awesome summer- gosh, I can't even remember all that transpired before we got married. But Seth and I definitely did get married, and go to the Bahamas, and come back and start living life together!

Oh, and we got a kitten named Falcon. She's super awesome and playful and we love her!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

From Lizzy's wedding

My beautiful friends Thomas and Elizabeth got married on 6-9-12. They had an awesome wedding and both Seth and I were in the bridal party. Here's awesome proof at how fun it was:

Basically, it was a blast.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Simpler Times

In simpler times, we could watch 3 episodes of Lost in 1 night, just because we wanted to. We could take a walk or go shopping or hang out with friends until whenever we wanted. In simpler times, we didn't have calls to make, tasks hanging over our heads, invitations to assemble, obligations that fill up entire weekends, or full time jobs that begged for us to get to bed at a decent hour.

But then again, in simpler times, the summer was just the summer. In the end, he'd go home and I'd stay here, and it would be back to letters and Skype dates and calls. And those goodbyes we always dreaded. And there was that depressing countdown in the back of our heads the whole time, knowing that the time together was guaranteed to have an expiration date.

So yes, these days have been busy. And expensive. And full of big decisions.
But I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Oh and PS, then I see pictures on my camera like this one, and I'm assured that as busy as life together will be, simple moments will still happen. And those will be the best.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yes I did drop off the face of the planet

...Into the abyss of long weekends, craziness, a cut toe with sand and nasties in it, wedding invitation designing, wedding stuff, going to a wedding, friends, zits, funny tan lines, chicken at the beach, Frisbee, falling more and more in love with my fiance, work, and stuff.

Just stuff.

Life is busy. And it won't calm down anytime soon. And that's alright by me.

Instagram Photobomb

 Hot date

 Lotso fries

 Poker night 

 Beautiful waterfall near our wedding venue

 The love of my life

 My dad's cool old cameras

 My dad was the coolest nerd ever...

My awesome sauce momma

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I don't know much...

...But one thing I do know is that in less than 3 months (88 days!) I will be the bride to the person that-- for many years now-- I have been hoping, and wishing, and praying would be my groom. And I can't help but think of the sovereignty of God, and how He has so clearly opened and closed doors in all aspects of our lives. And how those doors have opened right up to each other. And how the situations we have been in have shaped us to be the perfect matches for each other.

That's a pretty neat thought.

Some photos of life:

 The grad

 We loved Lincoln Park! (Yes, I am wearing basically the same outfit as I am in the photo before, and yes, they were taken on separate days. I didn't exactly pack well for that trip...)

 Tribe game at Progressive Field- the blimp always makes an appearance!

 I love this guy.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Life's busy and good

Last weekend was a blast! Graduation, engagement shoot, Lincoln Park (I SO want to live there now!), staying in an awesome loft, Moody church, and friends and family.

And then this week has been crazy. Seth  and his friend from WI moved into the apartment we got. By mid next week, there will be a third boy living there. I'm partly happy and partly wondering how long it will take to air the place out once they leave and I move in. UGH, why are boys stinky?

Anyway, we've been running around with furniture and boxes and food and stuff. It's been hectic. I slept in this morning and it was DELIGHTFUL. Oh yeah, we also have 5 boys staying in our basement for the past 2 days.

Random fact: I will be attending a wedding the next 4 out of 8 Saturdays. And we've already been to one wedding. And there will be a few more later in the summer, and then ours. It's this time of life man, everyone's getting hitched!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This Weekend

My weekend starts Thursday night, right after work-
Drive to Wisconsin and get there at like, 2 in the morning.
Watch Seth graduate.
Open house.
RELAX (it's been a long and frustrating week.)
Go to Chicago.
Engagement pictures!!
Get home and get back to the madness.

Got the keys to the new apartment this week! I won't be moving in until after the wedding, but it's nice be there and get things ready for Seth and know that it's almost home.

I can't believe this whole long distance relationship thing is a few days from being over for good.
That's an awesome thought